Tent Fabrics & Outdoor Gear Waterproofing Spray - 16 oz / 473.1 ml

Superior fabric waterproofing spray specifically formulated for tent walls, ground sheets and zippers for your continuous camping pleasure. Will also waterproof outdoor gear perfectly, with continuous even waterproofing that lasts.
Superior results on
Recommended for Gore-Tex®, eVent®, and all outdoor waterproof fabrics such as: Nylon, Polyester, and Canvas.
473 ml. (16oz) covers 50-60 square feet per bottle.
Protect working surface and lay clean garment flat and zip up all zippers. Hold bottle 15-30 cm / 6-12 inches away from fabric. Apply evenly to outside of fabric. Check carefully to ensure no areas have been missed. Allow to dry fully before use.
Size | 473ml (16 oz) |
Does not change the colour, texture or feel of the fabric.
Dry Guy Waterproofing is the safer waterproof spray. It doesn’t contain PTFE, Teflon, Silicon, PFOA or PFOS. You don’t have to compromise your health and that of your family to stay dry. You can stay dry and healthy life style without a tradeoff.